
Ingredients and benefits:

*96 Day Supply*

Concentration 40,000 PPM or mg/L

An advanced aqueous form of Magnesium Ions(IsoIonic™)** in clear solution for quicker absorption than tablets or capsules which must first dissolve in the digestive system before being absorbed. Patented, clinically tested professional grade CHD–Fulvic Acid has been added to further increase absorption and enhance overall well-being as fulvicacid has natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties.

**IsoIonic™ is defined as water-soluble mono-atomic mineral ions.

Strong Bones Benefit from Magnesium
In addition to its powerful stress busting properties, Magnesium works with Calcium to build strong bones. Taking a Magnesium supplement can greatly aid in the maintenance of bone health and integrity.

Additionally, Magnesium works to make Calcium more available to the body and may help prevent kidney stones, which are caused by excess “free” Calcium that cannot be utilized by the body.

Feel Younger with Magnesium
Consuming enough water-soluble magnesium with calcium has many positive benefits for the human body. It often results in feeling younger because a lack of proper magnesium to calcium ratio results in a rapidly aging body.* It is also reported to help individuals lose weight.

The fact that calcium can be good and bad has eluded experts researching anti-aging for the last 50 years. It is also believed premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is nothing more than a symptom of premature aging caused by calcification of female body parts. Instead of women’s ovaries aging in their sixties, they age in their twenties. Women who were put on a program of increased magnesium reported their PMS vanished. More importantly, the women reported feeling and looking 10 to 15 years younger. Most women said they had lost weight, increased their energy, and had a more positive outlook. In addition, many said they noticed smoother skin without any other topical applications. The best antiaging advice in the world may be:“Take less calcium, take more magnesium.”

Magnesium can assist people in enjoying the prime of their lives by promoting ease of joint movement, steady functioning of the cardiovascular system, proper sugar balance, healthy bones, and long-term mental clarity.

This information is provided for educational purposes only. All medical conditions must be diagnosed and treated by a qualified health professional. No medical claims are made.


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