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1 Thyroid Pack


Benefits and Information:

Organic 55% Hemp/45% Cotton Blend

Earths Essentials Thyroid Pack is designed as an easy and mess-free castor oil pack.

Benefits of Castor Oil Packs:

  • Supports thyroid function.
  • Reduce toxins and inflammation.
  • Decrease swelling around the thyroid gland assist with goitres.
  • Decrease size of thyroid nodules/cysts.
  • Assist in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, Hyperthyroidism, and Hypothyroidism.

Directions:  It is advisable to use a pelvic/liver pack consecutively for a month before using a Thyroid pack. The liver needs to be in an optimal state before you start anywhere else on the body. It can be worn as frequently as possible and simultaneously with your pelvic pack. Ideally, every day or alternative day and can be reduce once desire is met.

Steps for Thyroid pack:

  1. Before use, wash pack in water and bicarbonate mix, rinse, dry and iron.
  2. Apply 1-2 teaspoons of Earths Essentials Organic Castor Oil directly onto your thyroid. Your thyroid is at the base of your neck, where your windpipe is located.
  3. Slide the Thyroid pack on your neck and adjust the strap until it feels comfortable.
  4. The pack should remain in place for 60 minutes.
  5. Keep in mind Castor oil can stain, so be cautious.
  6. Optional, prepare a heat pack and apply onto pack.
  7. Use this time to relax and read a book. It’s important to feel relaxed. Being in a relaxed state, helps the body heal.
  8. Remove the pack and store the pack in a glass container in the freezer for future use (thaw before next use).
  9. The skin may be cleansed by dusting bicarbonate of soda onto the area and then rinsing it in a shower with non-toxic soap.
  10. Make sure to drink enough water and stay hydrated after doing this to support detox.
  11. Upon next use, repeat the process.

Washing instructions:  Washing your castor oil pack can be easy. Ideally, your goal is to not wash it until necessary. A new pack is recommended if after it is washed it is still saturated, has an off smell or when pack no longer functions correctly.

If you wish to wash the pack:

  1. Soak overnight in a bowl in a mixture of hot water, bicarbonate of soda, and natural dish/castile soap.
  2. In the morning, hand wash with hot water and natural dish/castile soap, wring it out very well.
  3. Take an old tea towel (that you don’t mind ruining) and lay the outer layer of the pack against it. Roll the pack up in the tea towel, blotting out the oil until there is little oily residue left on the outer layer.
  4. Hang it to dry.


* Can be a choking hazard, be mindful while using.

* Castor oil packs cannot be shared between different people.

* Castor oil packs should not be used while pregnant as they are known to stimulate contraction of the smooth muscle of the uterus, even though some research says that this is not the case.

* Use during period with caution.

* If you experience fatigue after doing a castor oil pack, which is rare, it’s likely because your body is sluggish, and it is doing more work than it is use to. Keep on doing castor oil packs, as they will help with the rebalancing. It will improve with time.

*As with anything, and in rare cases with castor oil, you can have a hypersensitivity reaction to the oil when putting it on the skin. Typically, this would present as a rash on the skin in the area where the castor oil was applied. Should this occur, cease treatment. Skin reaction should dissipate after 24 hours.

This information is provided for educational purposes only. All medical conditions must be diagnosed and treated by a qualified health professional. No medical claims are made.


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