90 & 180 Capsules

Ingredients and Benefits:

100% pure natural Baobab powder, non irradiated, no additives or fillers Vegan capsules, each 480mg pure Baobab powder

Anti-Inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-oxidant A superfood of note!

Helps improve iron absorption, protect and repair skin, with weight maintenance
(A 2017 study published in Nutrition and Health  concludes, “This research has positive implications for the use of baobab for reducing hunger, possibly having a positive effect on weight maintenance.”)

High vitamin Content:  Rich in Vitamin C , contributing to healthy blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth. Strengthens the immune system and increases iron absorption; energy booster which results in less tiredness/fatigue

Anti oxidant:  Antioxidants are important in protecting, repairing and preventing cell damage. Anti-ageing by counteracting free radical damage which cause skin dryness, fine lines, wrinkles and premature ageing. According to the Journal of Nutrition, Baobab has the highest antioxidant content of any fruit. Antioxidants and Vitamin C contribute toward a radiant glowing skin.

Baobab, also known as “the tree of life,” has been as a food and a medicine for centuries. Traditionally, baobab leaves, bark and seeds have been employed as a “panacea,” as in something to treat almost any disease. We’re talking about diseases ranging from serious concerns like malaria, tuberculosis and microbial infections to more common health problems like toothaches, diarrhea and fevers

This information is provided for educational purposes only. All medical conditions must be diagnosed and treated by a qualified health professional. No medical claims are made.


90 Capsules, 180 Capsules


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